Kulosaari Teasers // Anu & Sami
Anu & Sami, 14.5.2011
The first wedding of the summer – boy did we have a blast!
More coming soon.
Anu & Sami, 14.5.2011
The first wedding of the summer – boy did we have a blast!
More coming soon.
The first Saturday of September arrived all sunny and warm. When I walked through the hair salon door, I know that it’s going to be an awesome day. Throughout the day we met more and more wonderful people and in the evening people were dancing the night away like the world was about to end….
We had theeee best time yesterday. Foreign guys seem to steal women from Finland frequently. This one is an Australian & Finnish love story. These are among my favorites from yesterday – see more on our Facebook page.
“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” – ANNE BRADSTREET Sometimes life takes you to roads you probably shouldn’t have chosen. Instead of regretting the decisions you made, choosing to learn from those mistakes makes you…
I love winter weddings!
Joskus joku kysyi: “Eikö häiden kuvaaminen ala jossain vaiheessa kyllästyttämään, kun ne ovat aina samanlaisia?” Päällisin puolin häät saattavatkin näyttää aika samanlaisilta. Aamulla jännitetään, puetaan parhaimmat päälle, sanotaan tahdon, onnitellaan, syödään, leikataan kakku, tanssitaan ja juhlitaan. Mutta yhdetkään kuvaamamme häät eivät ole olleet samanlaiset keskenään, sillä ihmiset tekevät häät. Vaikka käsikirjoitus on useassa kohtaa yhteneväinen, yksikään…
I miss snow. So very, very much. Weather is something you can’t control, so there’s really no point complaining about it. But one thing that can be controlled is the weather on this blog. And right now there will be snow! During winter there’s only a couple hours of sunlight available. But you can always…
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Loveliness, I am really digging the dress.
Beautiful work… love your color treatment and composition!
These look great! Would love to see more!
you did such a great job of photographing that gorgeous dress. that last shot of them is awesome too! :)
Can’t wait to see more of this, please post soon!
Absolutely gorgeous.
First of all, I adore her dress! And second of all, that first portrait (the diptych photo on the left) where they are grinning at each other is SO cute!
LOVE the dress – and the locations looks pretty cool too. Can’t wait to see more.
Beautiful work Johanna!
I love her dress! The portrait where they’re smiling at each other is so cute!
The images are beautiful, I can’t wait to see more. Also, what is with his tie? It is awesome!
Lovely! That dress is gorgeous. Can’t wait to see more!
Cute and beautiful. I like her wedding dress!
Oh, I adore that last one! So cute!