Double Exposure wedding photography

Hääkuvaus Tampere // Helluntaiseurakunta // Rustholli

Hääkuvaus Tampere // Heli-Maarian + Joonan tunnelmalliset häät Tampereen Helluntaiseurakunnassa ja Ravintola Rusthollissa

In the morning I sat in the car Heli-Maaria was driving. I thought to myself that if a bride is this laid back that she wants to drive by herself, it can’t be anything but an awesome day. After that we ate homemade pizza for lunch. Then I saw the beautiful paper bouquet Heli-Maaria had made for herself. Later I saw all the rest of the beautiful things she had made. Their day really reflected them. That is so important when planning your wedding.

The Pentecostal Church of Tampere is special to me. Coming from a Pentecostal family, I went there many times when I was younger. I grew up in Jämsä, but of course Tampere was always the place you wanted to go to because it was a bigger city. It was a surreal experience to photograph a wedding there. If somebody would have told me years ago that in 2013 I was in that situation, photographing a wedding, I wouldn’t have believed. God works in mysterious ways. ♥

With making of this blog post I struggled with the same things I always struggle with. Less, or more. We don’t always want to tell the story in a same way. Sometimes it feels like only a handful of images is enough. But with this wedding, only a handful of images isn’t enough. It was a special day with special people. People who were willing to climb on the top of a fountain because I/we had a crazy idea. Who showed a complete trust in us throughout the day. It’s special.

HohDEsignDokumentaarinen hääkuvausDokumentaarinen hääkuvausDokumentaarinen hääkuvausHääkuvaajaHääkuvaajaHääkuvaaja TampereCreative Wedding PhotographyCreative Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyWedding detailsDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyFirst LookFirst LookCreative Wedding ReportageCreative Wedding ReportageCreative Wedding ReportageHääauton kylttiHääauton sisustusPaperinen hääkimppuHääkuvaaja TampereTampereen HelluntaiseurakuntaTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätPentecostal WeddingTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätFreelensing Wedding photographyTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätTampereen Helluntaiseurakunta häätHääsormusHämeenpuistoHämeenpuistoHämeenpuistoHämeenpuistoHämeenpuistoHämeenpuistoRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliRavintola RustholliSininen hääteemaSininen hääteemaKihlakuvat koristeenaHääkoristeetSininen hääteemaSininen hääteemaLahjapöytäHääkimppu paperistaSininen hääteemaAvioliittolupausAvioliittolupausPrismingLapset hääjuhlassaRavintola RustholliOlkahistenlahtiDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyOlkahistenlahtiKeväthäätRavintola RustholliHääkakun syöminenDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyDocumentary Wedding PhotographyKenkäleikkiGroom's speechGroom's speechGroom's speechHääkuvausMorsiuskimpun heittoSukkanauhan heittoSukkanauhan heittoSukunimen hyvästelySukunimen hyvästelyOlkahistenlahtiRavintola Rustholli häätLapset häissäOlkahistenlahtiHäät Ravintola RusthollissaCreative Wedding PhotographerQuirky Wedding PhotographyDokumentaarinen hääkuvausHääkuvat TampereellaWedding photosCreative Wedding PortraitsHäät Ravintola RustholliHurdingKeväthäätBeach weddingDouble exposure weddingDocumentary wedding photography

CHURCH Tampereen Helluntaiseurakunta/Pentecostal Church of Tampere
VENUE Ravintola Rustholli
CATERING Juhlapalvelu Vallesmanni
FLOWERS DIY paperiset, morsiamen tekemät
MUSIC Perhe ja ystävät
STATIONARY + OTHER DECORATIONS DIY, morsiamen tekemät (tarvikkeet Sinellistä)
MAKE-UP hohDEsign Tampere
HAIR hohDEsign Tampere
DRESS Morsiusgalleria, Tampere
SHOES Marinette, Turku
GROOM’S OUTFIT Morsiusgalleria, Tampere

Hääkuvaus Tampere // Johanna Hietanen Photography

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  1. wonderful compositions. love the shot of the b&w with the kid looking at the car – also love the portraits near the water feature!

  2. That water fountain place – it would have never crossed my mind to take a shot there. I would have walked right past it. This just proves how awesome and creative you guys are.

  3. Oh goodness gracious your work makes me so happy. It is so lovely, seeing how you document the day, your attention to detail. Seriously. Gorgeous. Also, the image of them on front of the fountain, that’s great imagery.

  4. These are incredible images! I love your vision and creative eye. I will be adding you to keep coming back :)

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