Maternity | Eini & Ville | Odotusajan kuvaus
It’s been quiet lately. I’ve been taking a break after hectic end (and start) of the year. It’s true that when you own a business, you really don’t have any time off. Add a day job to that, and you can imagine how much personal time I have. I’m not complaining, though :) This is exactly what I want to do <3
But, with saying that, I’ve also realized how important it is to take time for myself. What have I been doing with that time?
I’ve found the joy of moving. Yesterday, I walked/ran 8,5 km. I’ve been going to gym before work in the mornings. I’ve been dancing my ass off while listening to my favorite motivational songs.
I’ve read books, watched movies.
Simple things that make me happy besides photography. :)
And of course, I made some changes with our website. It looks like us, finally!
This is the first post to celebrate new beginnings. And what better way to do that than by celebrating new life?
This was a maternity and engagement/love shoot combined – I actually found out Eini was pregnant when we met on this beautiful October day.
Now the little guy inside Eini’s tummy is a few weeks old already :) Congrats, Eini & Ville!
Odotusajan kuvaus // Raskausajan kuvaus