Nuuksio // Photographer Finland
Yesterday we took a walk outside, at Nuuksio National Park.
Here’s one that I love. Just before the sun went down.
Yesterday we took a walk outside, at Nuuksio National Park.
Here’s one that I love. Just before the sun went down.
On aikamoinen sunnuntaiolo. Tällaisina pitkinä viikonloppuina viikonpäivät menevät sekaisin arkipyhien myötä ihan toden teolla. Meidän piti bloggailla nämä Ylläksellä viime jouluna otetut kuvat jo viime viikolla, mutta tajusin vasta tänään, että nythän onkin jo maanantai. Perjantaina kuvailtiin kananmunia ja toisiamme ystävän kanssa, lauantai ja sunnuntai meni kirjanpidon ja veroilmoituksen parissa. Tänään, kun painoin “Lähetä” nappia…
Hello blog. I’ve neglected you lately. Here I am, once again, waiting for photos to export from Lightroom in the middle of the night. I decided to pick up my keyboard and blog some while I’m waiting. This wedding was the first one of past Summer. Summer, that once again flew by without me even…
Before I even started selecting these photos, I already knew this post would be huge. The first time we met Katariina & Marko, I immediately knew that shooting their engagement photos and wedding would be a blast. We share the same sort of humor. We love cats. The positive energy they both radiate just makes…
Last weekend exceeded my wildest expectations, we had so much fun at Häämessut 2012. My feet were tired but it was so fun to meet new people! 7 hrs went by very fast on both days. I was surprised that so many knew us beforehand. It was so nice to hear all the compliments. We…
Where men tend to make their ideas into reality more quickly, women tend to wait for the moment when they have accomplished something or have “made it”. Good girl syndrome makes you give room for people who are better at what they do or have more talent. I don’t speak as loud as I’d want to,…
Elina & Philip aren’t just two anymore. There’s now Elina, Philip and Thomas. They came to Finland this past summer, and we spent a lovely day at the cottage. Here’s a few glimpses. I miss the sun. :) We’d love to do more family + child photography shoots – book yours: info (at) johannahietanen (dot)…