Once upon a time in Kulosaari Casino, Helsinki.
Kulosaari casino must be one the very well known place for weddings and among photographers. I almost know it as well as my back pockets. You would think I’d ran out of ideas while in there, but luckily it’s not just the place it’s the people too and these guys gave a good content for the day ..and the more experience you have got the more differently you see things. Just my point of view. Anyway, I gotta say this wedding goes to my list of favorites. Just to start the day relaxed, making yourself ready and taking things slowly. Morning like these are such a bliss to document. Don’t over stress, everything is going to be ok and when you have such a lovely couple and it all just works out like it should.
Also I picked way too many photos to this post while you think you don’t have enough, you have hundreds. First world problems I guess. This day just is one of those days which is filled with such a good content and I can’t let goooo.
So, should we let the photos speak? Take a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
// Jouni
Nice work. Thank you for share it with us.