Store Russetinden

Road Trip // Part II // Norway // Lofoten Islands + Tromsø

Our massive road trip across Scandinavia continues in Lofoten islands and Tromsø, Norway.

(If you missed the first part, you can view it here and also on Facebook.)

Shortly after leaving the Abisko area in Sweden, we crossed the border to Norway. The landscape changed almost rapidly. The hills grew bigger and sharper. And at this point something weird happened. I found myself just staring at the landscapes and taking it all in. With my heart. I’ve never taken so few photos than when we were in Norway. It was just so absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. Thank God for Jouni who almost couldn’t be seen without his camera. :) For me this trip was kind of a reboot. I left all the stress behind me.

Seeing this part of the world also left us thinking if maybe we should move our vow renewal to Norway… We’ll see about that.

Wedding Photographer Norway-0001Wedding Photographer Norway-0002Wedding Photographer Norway-0003Troll in Norway E10This huge troll greeted us after crossing the border.
Wedding Photographer Norway-0005Wedding Photographer Norway-0006Wedding Photographer Norway-0007Wedding Photographer Norway-0008Wedding Photographer Norway-0009E10 to Narvik NorwayWedding Photographer Norway-0011Wedding Photographer Norway-0012Wedding Photographer Norway-0013Wedding Photographer Norway-0014Wedding Photographer Norway-0015Wedding Photographer Norway-0016The landscapes got absolutely gorgeous when we started to get nearer to Lofoten Islands.Wedding Photographer Norway-0017Wedding Photographer Norway-0018Wedding Photographer Norway-0019Wedding Photographer Norway-0020Lofoten IslandsLofoten islandsLofoten IslandsWedding Photographer Norway-0024Wedding Photographer Norway-0025We tried to camp here, but the ground was so swampy that it was impossible to put a tent there. It sure was pretty, though. With a little help from Google, I found Kalle Beach and we drove there after the sunset. It was the only free camping area we found. We ate dinner around 9PM and I was so tired, I went to sleep. Jouni stayed up and took photos of the pretty sky. It wasn’t until editing of these photos that I noticed a tiny trail of northern lights in a few of the photos.Wedding Photographer Norway-0026VågakaillnWedding Photographer Norway-0028Wedding Photographer Norway-0029Wedding Photographer Norway-0030I woke up before sunrise the next morning, grabbed my camera and stumbled across the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever witnessed.Wedding Photographer Norway-0031Wedding Photographer Norway-0032Wedding Photographer Norway-0033Wedding Photographer Norway-0034I mean, seriously! Pink sky ♥Wedding Photographer Norway-0035Hääkuvaus NorjaWedding Photographer Norway-0037Sunrise mountainWedding Photographer Norway-0039Happy camper Wedding Photographer Norway-0042 Sunrise Kalle BeachVågakaillnIn the morning we actually saw where we had arrived. A beautiful, tiny beach right next to mountain Vågakailln.Vågakailln Wedding Photographer Norway-0047 Kalle Beach Kalle Beach A tiny pink Johanna in a big world.Camping lifeOur breakfast: slice of rye bread, oatmeal, hot cocoa and cinnamon roll. Yummy.Wedding Photographer Norway-0051Kalle I LofotenKalle I LofotenWedding Photographer Norway-0054Jouni decided he wanted to climb this mountain (I think it looks Transformers-like – it clearly has a nose and eyes and everything. I wonder if it transforms to something else when nobody is watching?). I wished him good luck like any wife would and decided to spend my time washing my hair in an ice cold water.
Wedding Photographer Norway-0055 Kalle I Lofoten Wedding Photographer Norway-0057Wedding Photographer Norway-0058Lofoten IslandsWedding Photographer Norway-0060 Wedding Photographer Norway-0061 Kalle I LofotenWhen he realized he couldn’t get past or climb the upright part of the mountain, Jouni called me. He snapped a photo of me (up) and I snapped a photo of him (down). Makes you realize how big this thing was. Can you spot Jouni? ;)
Kalle I LofotenWedding Photographer Norway-0064 Wedding Photographer Norway-0065 It was amazingly green and fresh and Jouni came by large areas covered in wood sorrel.
Wedding Photographer Norway-0066 Wedding Photographer Norway-0067 Wedding Photographer Norway-0068 Can anyone tell us what this plant is? Wedding Photographer Norway Lofoten Islands We headed back after Jouni made his way down. We started our journey towards Tromsø. Lofoten Islands Lofoten Islands Wedding Photographer Norway-0074 Wedding Photographer Norway-0075 I named this the Sombrero Mountain. Wedding Photographer Norway-0076 We left E10 and took E6. The climbed up in our car for the first kilometers. The view was spectacular.Wedding Photographer Norway-0077 Wedding Photographer Norway-0078 Wedding Photographer Norway-0079 Wedding Photographer Norway-0080 Wedding Photographer Norway-0081Never seen a rainbow this clear before. Wedding Photographer Norway-0082 Wedding Photographer Norway-0083 Wedding Photographer Norway-0084 Wedding Photographer Norway-0085 Nordskjosbotn Store Russetinden This. This is by far the most beautiful mountain I’ve ever seen in my life. Russetinden. One of these photos will be printed huge on our wall. Wedding Photographer Norway-0088 Store Russetinden Wedding Photographer Norway-0090 Wedding Photographer Norway-0091 Store Russetinden Sunset Norway Troms Troms Sunset Norway Our goal was to reach Tromsø before dark but there was so many stops along the way (road maintenance) that we got there after the sunset. But God gave us something better than the sunset – northern lights. ♥ The sky fired up right after we got our tent up at Skittenelv Camping. aurora borealis aurora borealis aurora borealis Wedding Photographer Norway-0102 aurora borealis northern lights aurora borealis aurora borealis

Part III coming sooner than later. :)

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