A teaser // Suomenlinna
I love winter weddings!
I love winter weddings!
Last summer was a summer of new things. It was the summer we photographed more weddings separately and I admit, it felt so weird at first. For so many years we were a team that had routines, routines we followed and felt comfortable in photographing together. In the mornings I always knew I’d have the…
We’re super excited about this one: Agnetha & Jussi’s wedding is featured on Pretty Chic Blog today! Elizabeth contacted me a few months back and this is the result – our first ever blog feature. Awesome! :) Second thing: we had the most awesome day on Sunday. We drove once again to Turku for a…
I love, love, love couples who are willing to experiment with us. Last week was CRAZY but in a good way. Lots of couples in love. Two HAPPY photographers! A few more can be seen at our Facebook page. I’m posting all the sneak peeks first on our FB page so make sure to hit…
Ennen joulua pakkasimme paljon tavaraa ja kissan autoon, ja lähdimme ajelemaan kohti pohjoista. Tällä kertaa matka kohti Yllästä olisi hieman erilainen kuin ennen. Tällä kertaa emme ajaisi suoraan Ylläkselle vaan pysähtyisimme Reisjärvelle kuvaamaan Outin ja Ilkan häät. Tunnelma Reisjärvellä oli taianomainen. Pienissä paikkakunnissa on Sitä Jotakin. Vaikka päivä oli vuoden pimein se ei tuntunut siltä….
It was early morning on our wedding day 10 years ago when I first met Mari. We had been following each other on Livejournal and since I knew she was an awesome makeup artist, I wanted her to make me pretty on the day of our wedding party. 9 years later I traveled with Jouni to Ilmajoki to…
We’re taking a small break because we’re moving in a few days. But in the meantime you can like us on Facebook… Johanna Hietanen Photography | Promote Your Page Too or maybe ask us anything on Formspring!
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Wonderful lighting! Well done!
Upea kuva!