A Trip Down To Memory Lane // S + S
Sometimes it’s good to take a trip down the memory lane. Love never gets old.
Loved this session so much. Still do. ♥
Sometimes it’s good to take a trip down the memory lane. Love never gets old.
Loved this session so much. Still do. ♥
Where to start. :) Imagine your boss asking you to photograph her wedding. No pressure there ;) It was a huge honor and even though I was almost a little bit scared, I knew it would an awesome day to photograph. I was right. Definitely one of my favorite wedding this year. Lots of cool…
We’ll be at the Häämessut bridal fair at Wanha Satama, Helsinki during 14.-15.1.2012. Come and see us there! We love meeting new people! :)
We’re taking a small break because we’re moving in a few days. But in the meantime you can like us on Facebook… Johanna Hietanen Photography | Promote Your Page Too or maybe ask us anything on Formspring!
Hääkuvaus // Kihlakuvaus // Perhekuvaus // Lapsikuvaus – Johanna Hietanen Photography 2012 tuli ja meni niin nopeasti, että piti ihan nipistää itseään, kun tajusimme, että on jo maaliskuu 2013. Ja 2012 “kohokohdat” postaus vielä tekemättä. Parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan, niinhän sitä sanotaan. Olemme ehkä pitäneet pientä hengähdystaukoakin kiireisen vuoden jälkeen ja keränneet voimia uuteen…
Winter weddings. Magical. This was probably the first day in the metropolitan area of Finland when we had snow more than a millimeter. Hanna & Petri had the loveliest wedding, small and intimate. We had so much fun photographing them. :) Tuomarinkylän Ravintola is probably one of my favorite venues. It’s so cozy, warm, lovable. And the…
You don’t always need the sun. When you have the most awesome time with an awesome couple, who were celebrating their one year engagement anniversary, that’s all of the sun you need. I can’t wait for their wedding in August.