Hääkuvaaja Hämeenlinna // V + T
“Kuin karhuemo pentujaan ja Luoja luomiaan
Niin minä sinua vaan
Vaik leipä loppuis vesikin yksi pysyis kuitenkin
Minä sinua vaan”
Jenni Vartiainen – Minä Sinua Vaan
It’s been a long way coming. Today we can finally share this wedding with you, a wedding that was special in so many ways.
It all started in 2010 when Viivi sent me a message about photographing their engagement photos. We met a lovely couple and photographed them. And they stayed in our lives, we became friends. We laugh a lot when we meet. When I say lot, I mean LOT. We eat good food. It’s not often you meet people who makes you feel at home. I was at Viivi’s bachelorette party, Jouni was at Tuomas’ bachelor party. While Jouni was there, we made decorations to the wedding with Viivi and her closest friends. We photographed them once again in Lapland. We watched Viivi became a midwife. We’ve watched their story evolve and we waited and waited for their wedding to arrive. We can’t wait to see where life takes these two.
But for now, here’s a story of how a pilot and a midwife started their journey as husband and wife over a year ago.
CHURCH Vanajan kirkko, Hämeenlinna
VENUE Kankaisten tila
MAKE-UP Viivi’s mother, Tarja
HAIR Jenni Juhola, Kampaamo Daze, Riihimäki
DRESS Lilly, style nro. 08-3106-CR-34
ACCESSORIES (bolero, headpiece): Revelations/Hämeenlinna
COAT J.A.P Company
SHOES Rainbow club, Alice, Boots Helly Hansen
GROOM’S SUIT Cavalier/Leimuline
GROOM’S SHOES Topman/Leimuline
RINGS Bride’s engagement ring/Kohinoor 033-862-07, wedding ring/Sandberg Keulapurje T-50
VIIVI’S JEWELRY Kalevala koru, Lumihiutale
FLOWERS Bouquet & boutonniere: Kukkaseija/Riihimäki, Decoration flowers: Lakstedtin puutarha Oy, Hämeenlinna
DECORATIONS DIY by Viivi & Tuomas
CATERING Food/Pito-Piiat, Cakes/Minttu Sydänmäki & Henna-Riikka Latva-Kyyny
BAND Mikko Siltala
OTHER ENTERNTAINMENT Improvisaatioteatteri Uusi Kattaus
Lisää häistä voitte lukea uusimmasta Häät -lehdestä (nro 01/2014)
Beautifully captured. Amazing storytelling throughout.
Beautiful images! I felt like I was there. You have a gift for capturing moments!
https://johannabest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Kankaisten-tila-h%C3%A4%C3%A4t-0063.jpg this is AMAZING
Oh I love snowy portraits! This wedding was so warm and beautiful!!
Love the story behind this, the love really comes out in the photos. Such nice work!
What an incredible connection you have with Viivi and Tuomas – I hope to have such awesome clients one day! Great storytelling here and congrats on the feature – always so nice to see one’s work in print.
My core temperature dropped a few degrees looking through the first few portraits…. BRRR. Wonderful images Johanna!
Great black and white tones. Love the one with her hugging the girl in the black at the speeches.
Can’t wait to see this in Häät!!
Beautiful set of photos! I really like the portraits of them in the snow.