It was a day when the august sun was warming cheeks and wind carried the scent of a salty sea with every breeze. Sea was glittering in the sun and after a short journey at the sea I got to peek into a little getaway place on a cute little island. It may have been that I started to dream about our own little getaway island or of a place that’s far away from civilization. I’ve always been sort of a loner in some sense; the farther away I am from big places, the happier I am. Anu told me how sometimes she catches view of a sunset while saunaing and runs quickly to capture it. I can imagine I’d be exactly like that too. I wouldn’t run out of things to photograph anytime soon.

After a peaceful time at their island, we headed back to Haukilahden Paviljonki, where we waited for guests to arrive and partying to start. I was watching Anu who was glowing with happiness. I believe it’s possible that with her smile, she literally lights up every room she walks in. Sometimes I think if Jouni and I still have the same “we’re in love” look that Anu & Kim had. You could spot that miles away.

This day got me thinking that if I can give one tip to people planning their wedding, it is that please, leave time for doing nothing. This day had that relaxed vibe and that vibe needs time and not stressing out over timetables to be achieved. Wedding days are over so fast (sometimes I think the universe is making wedding days go double as fast as normally) so it’s good to stop sometimes and just relax, take it all in and enjoy.

When I was leaving in the evening, I was told that it was awesome that I was part of the wedding in a natural way. That I felt more like a friend or a relative than an official photographer. When I was just starting out, I remember thinking that blending in means the same as hiding. But as the years have gone by, I’ve learned that that is the farthest from the truth. So go closer to your subjects. Walk around. Soon people will forget you’re there when they get used to the fact you won’t be (just) hiding in random corners. Getting closer to my subjects has always been a big challenge for me, especially in bigger crowds and when I’m photographing alone. But being able to do it is rewarding, every single time.

Thank you, lovelies, for a beautiful day and for inviting me as a part of your special day! ♥

// Johanna


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