Preview // Laura & Pasi
Yesterday was full of cuteness and laughter. And somehow we escaped all the rain clouds around us.
They really are cute together, aren’t they? :)
Yesterday was full of cuteness and laughter. And somehow we escaped all the rain clouds around us.
They really are cute together, aren’t they? :)
SEO-pluginin (Search Engine Optimization) punainen pallo tuijottaa minua uhkaavasti. Tekstissäsi on liian vähän sanoja, lisää niitä luodaksesi lisää kiinnostavuutta. Kirjoitan lauseen, kumitan sen pois. Kirjoitan seuraavan, kumitan senkin pois. Mikään ei tunnu ikinä olevan tarpeeksi hyvää tai julkaisukelpoista. Hakusanasi esiintyy vain niin ja niin monta kertaa. Hakusanaa ei löydy otsikosta. “Jes, nyt sain sen keltaiseksi!” Vieläkin pitäisi…
Some people have the unbelievable skill to come and stay in your heart. To make you feel at home no matter if it’s rainy or sunny. While going through the thousands of photos I saw on my screen, I found myself thinking that that was a good place to be. Sometimes you find yourself right…
It was early morning on our wedding day 10 years ago when I first met Mari. We had been following each other on Livejournal and since I knew she was an awesome makeup artist, I wanted her to make me pretty on the day of our wedding party. 9 years later I traveled with Jouni to Ilmajoki to…
Sylvi. Mustavalkoisuus. Selma. Kolme asiaa, jotka tekevät minut onnelliseksi juuri tänään. Sylvi. Black & White. Selma. Three things that make me happy today.
Hello blog. I’ve neglected you lately. Here I am, once again, waiting for photos to export from Lightroom in the middle of the night. I decided to pick up my keyboard and blog some while I’m waiting. This wedding was the first one of past Summer. Summer, that once again flew by without me even…
I’ve been staring at the screen for an hour, trying to figure out what to write about. I have too many things on my mind, so much I’d like to write about. To write about how happy I am every morning when I wake up and see Jouni’s face. How I’ve been so happy today…
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Oh beautiful, love the last two. Wonderful light and romance and then some fun!
nice, I love the last shot .. good capture
you rocked that light! wow!
Nice use of light!! Beautiful!
So beautiful. Second one up from the bottom is so beautiful. Great framing and use of light. Love both of their expressions.
Love the tones! so warm and delicious. Well done!
Bossin’ that light! Gorgeous!
Oh the yummy yummy light in the one in front of the trees!
can’t wait to see more! :D These are lovely
That light is absolutely stunning! these are great
You’ve done it again! awesome!
What a beautiful moment by the water, love it