Preview | Anu & Juho | Hääkuvaaja Mäntsälä
Weddings in a barn – count us in!
Anu & Juho, a preview. Including the mandatory cat photo.
Weddings in a barn – count us in!
Anu & Juho, a preview. Including the mandatory cat photo.
A hot day. A great wedding at Salmi Sali. I loved this couple. :) We had so much fun. And to make the day even more special: one of Jouni’s awesome shots from the wedding of Anu & Sami was featured on Moment Junkie. (And my new favorite word is “awesome” :D)
“Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.” -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Kun katson ikkunasta ulos, näen tuulessa heiluvat männynlatvat, sinisen taivaan, muutaman hattarapilven ja paljon aurinkoa. Kesä taitaa viimeinkin olla täällä. Aamuisin tuoksuukin jo kesältä. Kostealta, raikkaalta. Öisin…
I could say how much I adored her Minna Hepburn dress or how awesome her Minna Parikka shoes were; as a woman, I’m kind as freaked out over dresses and shoes as a lot of other women are. I could also say how much I loved all the little details we got to photograph because all the…
“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” ― David Viscott Some seen & unseen sunny memories from 2015 & 2014.
Sometimes you just know when things are going to be awesome. We knew it right away when reading about the wedding plans of Heini & Markus. A hint of vintage, a VW Beetle, lanterns and a beautiful venue. Combined with friends and family, there’s no way it could have been anything else than awesome. We…
“Kuin karhuemo pentujaan ja Luoja luomiaan Niin minä sinua vaan Vaik leipä loppuis vesikin yksi pysyis kuitenkin Minä sinua vaan” Jenni Vartiainen – Minä Sinua Vaan It’s been a long way coming. Today we can finally share this wedding with you, a wedding that was special in so many ways. It all started in 2010…
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Gorgeous! Love the black and white photo 3rd from the bottom – they are such a cute couple! And that dessert table… yum!
Awesome work Johanna,
Great stuff Jo!
second to last shot RULES. nice work!
I enjoyed the sense of being there and how each image told its own unique story.
Gorgeous work Johannah, love the silhouette!