Tenalji Von Fersen Wedding // Preview
… And that’s why I love weddings. :)
… And that’s why I love weddings. :)
Some weddings are carved deep in my heart forever. This is one of those weddings. My heart grows as it takes in every single moment, love, person, look, touch, smile, laugh, tear. Whenever life gets hard, my heart reminds me why it’s worth to fight. Why it’s worth to dream. Life is short, life is…
Two very special people. A very special day. I love Finnish countryside.
Ollaan usein kirjoiteltu siitä, kuinka aika tuntuu menevän niin nopeasti. Menee se vieläkin, mutta vähän on hiljentymistäkin tapahtunut. Yksi kokonainen viikko takana omaa herruutta (vai rouvuutta?) ja onhan se ollut aivan uusi kokemus. Päivärytmiä haetaan vieläkin ja paljon on opettelua edessä. Aamupala tuntuu unohtuvan aina. En ole tainnut oppia vielä sitä, ettei tässä koneen edessä…
This week I’ve been learning how to run. Yesterday I went for a walk/run just before 10pm. It was so beautiful out there. Just me, music, darkness and my sneakers. And it made me realize how fast time has gone by. This was our last July wedding. Feels like it was just a moment ago….
This is the first update I’m making since opening my/our new website! How exciting :) I’ve been enjoying the quiet times lately. Of course making this website took some time, but it’s been so refreshing to just watch TV whenever I want, clean our place, decorate our place with Christmas stuff etc. Somehow it feels like I…
Tämä kihlakuvaus Ylläksellä on täydellinen esimerkki siitä, kuinka jokin voi olla täydellistä, vaikka kaikki ei sujuisikaan käsikirjoitusten mukaan. Satoi lunta. Paljon. Pystysuunnassa, vaakasuunnassa. Lunta tuli niin paljon, ettei välillä nähnyt montakaan metriä eteenpäin. Maisemat peittyivät valkoiseen verhoon. Maisemat, joita kumpikin meistä oli ajatellut hyödyntää kuvissa. Aina ei saa sitä mitä tilaa, mutta Ylläs oli lumisateellakin taianomaisen…
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Beautiful couple and gorgeous light in that fourth picture!
killer preview. can’t imagine what the rest will look like…
LOVE the portrait of them!
That 4th last one is fantastic!!!
That venue look super cool and I love your colors.
Gorgeous couple and lovely preview! I agree with above comment – that 4th photo is gorgeous.
Love the dark mood.
Looking forward to seeing the rest. Love your processing!
The second to last photo Johanna! SO GOOD! I love it, made me grin :)
Absolutely love the mood you’ve captured here, Johanna. Superb.
the photo of the dress is amazing. Beautiful processing and it looks like you were in the right locations at the right moments. :) love your work.
Awesome work Johanna, beautiful tones and romantic pictures. Thank you for sharing.
killer moments, so jealous- this looks like an awesome wedding!
Beautiful couple, and fantastic light! I love your use of light, and you’ve captured great, real moments. love.
These images are just brilliant! Looks like a fantastic day!
Can’t wait to see the rest of these…Great looking preview!
Love the portrait! So beautiful!
These are brilliant. I love the shot with the crane in the background. To crop that tight was brave but it works, so, so well. Awesome!
LOVE that 4th photo down!!! sweet set
Beautiful work Johanna!