The first Saturday of September arrived all sunny and warm. When I walked through the hair salon door, I know that it’s going to be an awesome day. Throughout the day we met more and more wonderful people and in the evening people were dancing the night away like the world was about to end. […]
Some people have the unbelievable skill to come and stay in your heart. To make you feel at home no matter if it’s rainy or sunny. While going through the thousands of photos I saw on my screen, I found myself thinking that that was a good place to be. Sometimes you find yourself right […]
Ilmajoki Wedding // Preview
In a small remote place far away from streetlights, Mari & Aki spent their wedding day surrounded by their closest friends and family and the history of this amazing place. Here’s a little preview.
Weekend in Naantali & Turku // Sneak Peeks
A piece of salty liquorice is melting in my mouth. My feet feel like they’ve taken thousands of steps during weekend. My shoulders and Jouni’s neck are red from the sun. Our lenses and camera bags are coated with a lining of drool. Our lips are curved upwards, smiling. If one word could sum up […]
This awesome portrait session took place in the ever beautiful Suomenlinna just a few days before Johanna & Timo got married. This allowed us to use more time and that way this session was more relaxed than usually. Even though we had to be careful with Johanna’s dress, we still think that it’s an awesome idea […]
Nuorallatanssija // Vihkikuvaus
Joskus on vaikea tanssia sillä pienellä nuoralla, joka erottaa maailman täydellisimmän kuvan tallentamisen ja tilanteen kunnioittamisen. Varsinkin kirkossa on välillä vaikea saada kuviin mitään uutta ja mullistavaa, koska yritämme liikkua mahdollisimman vähän, varsinkin alttarilla. Tahdomme kunnioittaa kirkkoa ja vihkimistä, mutta toisaalta tahtoisimme myös vihkikuvien olevan aina hieman erilaisia. Uramme alkuaikoina eräs pappi kertoi, kuinka vihkiessään paria hän […]