Wedding | Emmi & Tapani | Vähä-Hisson Tila | Hääkuvaus Tampere | Sastamala

Wedding | Emmi & Tapani | Vähä-Hisson Tila | Hääkuvaus Tampere | Sastamala

There are weddings and then there are weddings. If someone decided that weddings should be all the same, I wish weddings would be like Emmi & Tapani’s wedding. For some reason, some weddings creep their way closer to my heart and stay there forever. Love stories always touch me, because I’m a sucker for love. But…

Wedding | Tiia & Jaakko | Hääkuvaus Helsinki | Merimelojien Maja

Wedding | Tiia & Jaakko | Hääkuvaus Helsinki | Merimelojien Maja

Hello blog. I’ve neglected you lately. Here I am, once again, waiting for photos to export from Lightroom in the middle of the night. I decided to pick up my keyboard and blog some while I’m waiting. This wedding was the first one of past Summer. Summer, that once again flew by without me even…

Wedding | Mari & Sasha | Hääkuvaaja Lappeenranta | Ruokolahti | Imatra

Wedding | Mari & Sasha | Hääkuvaaja Lappeenranta | Ruokolahti | Imatra

During the 2,5 years in this business, it had never rained this much on a wedding day. Sure, there had been rain, but it had always started when it didn’t matter anymore. We’ve always joked that we have a weather guarantee. And it still worked, but only partly. ;) Now it rained. A lot. But…