Kihlakuvaus Helsinki // Linnanmäki
How can you not love a couple who wants their engagement photos taken at Linnanmäki, which is the oldest amusement park in Finland.
I can’t wait for their wedding this August, it’s going to be an awesome day :)
How can you not love a couple who wants their engagement photos taken at Linnanmäki, which is the oldest amusement park in Finland.
I can’t wait for their wedding this August, it’s going to be an awesome day :)
I can see something white on the ground. Not snow, but sleet. We have hope, it seems. :) Time to blog another wedding. After that it’s time to decorate this place, clean, do laundry – I’m so full of energy after sleeping almost 12 hrs! Looking at these and all the photos from this year…
Hello blog. I’ve neglected you lately. Here I am, once again, waiting for photos to export from Lightroom in the middle of the night. I decided to pick up my keyboard and blog some while I’m waiting. This wedding was the first one of past Summer. Summer, that once again flew by without me even…
Before I even started selecting these photos, I already knew this post would be huge. The first time we met Katariina & Marko, I immediately knew that shooting their engagement photos and wedding would be a blast. We share the same sort of humor. We love cats. The positive energy they both radiate just makes…
We shot this awesome wedding back in 2012 and in the middle of all the craziness that was 2012 and 2013, we thought we had blogged these photos but never did. Better late than never. From sunshine to pouring rain, touching speeches, smiles and tears and partying like there wasn’t tomorrow, this wedding had it…
Tällä viikolla elämme jänniä aikoja uusien perheenjäsenten muodossa. Kun on viettänyt lähes vuosikymmenen kissakaverin kanssa, koti on tuntunut kovin tyhjältä Naksun poismenon jälkeen. Meille oli jokseenkin selvää heti alusta saakka, että etsisimme uuden kissakaverin – jossain vaiheessa – meni siihen sitten viikko tai vuosi. Kävimme katsomassa HESYssä löytökissoja, mutta Sitä Oikeaa ei löytynyt. Yksi herra…
The first wedding of the summer. I smiled. I still smile. I love this couple! And may I just add that yes, she had POCKETS in her dress. That’s how awesome that dress was. More on Facebook!
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haha, this is an amazing location. great set!
Whoa…what a gorgeous looking couple! Love the intimate moments you captured. Really nice!
Great session! I love the continuous feel throughout, and it looks like the couple had a great time, too!
Love the ones in the photo booth – so fun! :)
Such a cute session! Love that cotton candy!
That’s one awesome location. Some great and fun moments captured. Nice work.
So cute; love the shots on the merry go round!
Tosi kaunis setti. Kolmas ja neljäs kuva on mun suosikkeja… ihanat. <3
Great couple and a great background provided by the amusement park. You took these two ingredients and made the most out of it! Fantastic set!
these two are sooo cute! killer session.the lighting on the ferris wheel is outta this world.
steller. ferris wheel lighting FTW. and damn finns are all so good looking, eh?
They are super cute and that’s a great, colorful location!
Lovely work!
Great location, love the shots in the photo booth!
Great location Johanna! The emotions, the connection between them, the warm of colors (was it setting sun?) all gives a loving, classic feel to the photos.
Fabulous work! The warm tones are so yummy!! I adore the photobooth shots. :)