To celebrate our 10 years of being married and our 6th year in photography business, we are giving 2 couples unlimited wedding day coverage with 1 photographer for 1000€.

We are looking for awesome & unique couples and weddings.

Hääkuvaaja Helsinki

What do we love? Personality, relaxed atmosphere, you being completely in love with your better half, love for photography, personal touches, outdoor weddings, anything outside the box, unique places, mountains, lakes, cliffs, forests, elopements, boldness and being who you are. If you love animals, that’s a bonus; if you’re wedding involves an animal, that’s a huge bonus!

Send us your entry by the end of March 2015 using the form below. Tell us more about you, your story and your wedding.

Share this page with anyone who might be interested!

Wedding Photography 2


1. Wedding needs to take place in 2015/2016
2. Wedding can take place anywhere (travel fees will be added for weddings outside Finland and when the travel time is more than 2 hours in Finland)
3. Entries received after deadline March 31st 2015 23:59 EET will be dismissed
4. Winners will be announced on Instagram (@johannahietanenphotography) & on our blog on April 2nd 2015
5. Winners will also be contacted directly
6. Couples with current bookings cannot participate
7. Signed contract and booking fee required to book the date
8. Johanna Hietanen Photography reserves the right to not book discounted wedding packages if the right fit isn’t found
9. Photos from the wedding will be used for marketing (contests/blog/portfolio/social media/magazines/wedding blogs)
10. Couples will receive edited photos with print release through online gallery
11. When client lives outside EU and the wedding takes place outside EU, VAT 24% will be deducted from the price

Wedding Photography

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