Preview | Emmi & Tapani | Hääkuvaus Tampere | Sastamala
Two very special people. A very special day.
I love Finnish countryside.
Two very special people. A very special day.
I love Finnish countryside.
Our website is FINALLY working (I need to knock some wood now…) so that it doesn’t take hours and hours to upload and arrange photos. So while Lightroom is importing and exporting images, I’m preparing blog posts. Now it’s time for this awesome winter wedding. If you don’t know this by now – I LOVE…
Joskus joku kysyi: “Eikö häiden kuvaaminen ala jossain vaiheessa kyllästyttämään, kun ne ovat aina samanlaisia?” Päällisin puolin häät saattavatkin näyttää aika samanlaisilta. Aamulla jännitetään, puetaan parhaimmat päälle, sanotaan tahdon, onnitellaan, syödään, leikataan kakku, tanssitaan ja juhlitaan. Mutta yhdetkään kuvaamamme häät eivät ole olleet samanlaiset keskenään, sillä ihmiset tekevät häät. Vaikka käsikirjoitus on useassa kohtaa yhteneväinen, yksikään…
I can see something white on the ground. Not snow, but sleet. We have hope, it seems. :) Time to blog another wedding. After that it’s time to decorate this place, clean, do laundry – I’m so full of energy after sleeping almost 12 hrs! Looking at these and all the photos from this year…
Sometimes you just know when things are going to be awesome. We knew it right away when reading about the wedding plans of Heini & Markus. A hint of vintage, a VW Beetle, lanterns and a beautiful venue. Combined with friends and family, there’s no way it could have been anything else than awesome. We…
I’ve killed my editing queue! This means I have time to blog more – YAY! Next wedding is on the 27th. Fingers crossed for some snow! :) Before blogging some more, I have to share this one. I absolutely love this image.
These two lovebirds are Hanna & Joni and they got married in Asikkala yesterday. We had a blast. Truly one of the most awesome days ever. More from their day coming soon. By the way – one of our photos is featured on Moment Junkie (one of my favorite sites ever) today. This Sunday is awesome!…
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These are beautiful, Johanna. Great work.
Beautiful couple and gorgeous setting. Incredible work Johanna!