Fatographer to Fitographer: Surprises
Back home after our trip to Iceland. And I must say I’m kind of surprised.
Maintaining my protein rich “diet” during this trip was kind of impossible. I hadn’t thought that when driving around so much I would be almost
completely reliable on gas stations as my source of food. Finding protein rich food was hard so I gave in. After
eating cereal/white bread/fruit/egg breakfast in the morning we ate mostly sandwiches, subs and hamburgers.
One night I ate mashed potatoes and meatballs close to midnight, the other night I ate sushi after midnight.
I felt awesome during our trip and didn’t get that swelling side effect from white bread
that I get in Finland. Maybe there’s something different with bread in Iceland? Don’t know.
Maybe there’s something else that makes me swell – maybe it’s dairy products? I drank maybe 2 glass
of (lactose free) milk during our trip when at home I drink it much more.
But I was worried that after coming home and hopping on my scale, I would see unwanted progress.
My weight didn’t go up or down. And my fat percentage had gone down for more than 1 percent!
I can fit into my new jeans better now. So – I’ve gotten a bit smaller.
I was surprised.
Yes, we did walk around quite a bit. We climbed a mountain. But we sat a lot in the car and ate badly.
Slept too little.
This has me thinking – is eating badly sometimes a good thing? Do I stress too much about eating healthy
and is that stress much more worse than actually eating badly for a few days?
My body sometimes surprises me. Leaves me confused.
Guess I still have a lot to learn about my body and how it behaves.
Very beautiful scene. Nice shot!