A Day In Your Life // Hääkuvaus Mikkeli

The start of this year has been… crazy. It seems like the only thing I’ve been doing lately is answering emails. Thank you so much to everyone who has expressed an interest in us. The weddings we’re photographing this year are going to be so awesome, we can’t wait for them! ♥ Not to mention all the families + other shoots. This year is going to be awesome. There’s still room for more awesome photographs, so don’t be afraid to contact us.

It’s actually our wedding anniversary today! We’ve been married for 9 years now – where did the time go?! We’ve spent this day – after answering emails – by going to gym and eating delicious salad sitting at our new kitchen table. It’s funny how we never used our old table but now (after finding the right fit) we are using it all the time. With weddings, we love round tables – so of course our new table is round. We also feel like we’re finally two grown-ups when we eat at the table and not on our sofa watching TV. Guess all we needed was a right table.
It’s been awesome to have Jouni home this month. It makes me think of the future when the both of us will be photographing full-time. I don’t want to use the word IF anymore. Everything we decide to do will be WHEN from now on. This week we’ve gotten inquiries from all around the world and we’ve had to pinch ourselves. Just the thought that people are interested in us means SO MUCH to us.

Continuing to the actual reason I’m blogging now, this awesome A Day In Your Life session. Kim send us the most awesome message back in 2012, wondering if they could fly us to photograph their wedding in Switzerland. Life had other plans for them in 2014 but since that moment we’ve talked about many things and we’ve become friends. Wedding or no wedding. We know that when the wedding happens, it’s going to be LEGEN… wait for it! DARY. Back in June they invited us to spend Midsummer with them on an island where they spend time when visiting Finland. We spent a couple of days photographing their life. “A Day In Your Life” session in its true (and extended) form. So grateful for these people who welcomed us into their lives with open arms. Lots of delicious food, good talks, swimming, laughter, dancing, music. To top it all they rowed a boat to the middle of the lake close to midnight when the sun was setting on the other side and moon was rising on the other.

This is among our favorite sessions from past year. Definitely something we’d love to do more – documenting the awesome everyday life. Celebrating love and life.

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Naksu has many, many fans. ♥
Wedding Photographer Iceland-0071

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  1. Totally honest storytelling – beautiful work here and the “Day in Your Life” session is such a great idea. Also, happy anniversary to you both!

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