How to make most out of life


Life is what happens between the big moments. Don’t always wait for the weekend or for the holiday to do the things that make you happy. People have a bad habit of thinking that “I will be happy when X happens”. Whether your X is a raise, surviving the week, a new job, a trip around the world or buying your own home, there will always come new things to pursue and so you get lost in it all. Goals and dreams are awesome, but remember to enjoy the accomplishments without moving to the next goal too quickly. Stop once in a while and enjoy the moment.

Life happens

Stop giving money too much value. Get over the idea that you can buy your own happiness, because world just doesn’t work that way. Seriously. No amount of money will make you happy if that’s the only thing you’ll have. Sometimes you need to struggle to appreciate what you have and grow as a human being. When you don’t have a fast way to make life easy, you’ll notice that maybe hard life is the best life after all. When you’re in a relationship, it can be a huge positive factor when you really need to act together in order to make life better.

Family matters

Stop stressing out and slow down. Don’t run like crazy to catch the bus, there will (almost always) be a next one. Take the long way home and explore nature (or your city). Find positive things about the negatives. Have 15 minutes without doing absolutely nothing: no TV, no phone, no music and just enjoy the silence. Remember to listen to your body; it will always tell you if you’re doing things right.

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Explore more. Exploring doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be flying all around the world. Sometimes we get fixed on the idea that grass is greener on the other side. That may be true, but sometimes you’re stuck with the grass you’re given and exploring will make you appreciate what you have. Get out, stay out. Get lost and find yourself. There’s awesome places in your country waiting to be discovered. Sometimes it’s just harder to see and appreciate things that are too close to you.


Stop comparing yourself to others. You are the only you in this universe. You need to live the life you want, not the life you think you should be living. The things that work for other people work because they have found their own way of doing things and you can’t just copy them, thinking it will make you happy. Find your own path even if it’s sometimes hard and your road is bumpy.

Exploring Finland

And as a bonus tip; hug more. Hugs make you happier and when you’re happier, you’re making the world a better place just by being more positive.

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