Kolme pientä asiaa
Sylvi. Mustavalkoisuus. Selma.
Kolme asiaa, jotka tekevät minut onnelliseksi juuri tänään.
Sylvi. Black & White. Selma.
Three things that make me happy today.
Sylvi. Mustavalkoisuus. Selma.
Kolme asiaa, jotka tekevät minut onnelliseksi juuri tänään.
Sylvi. Black & White. Selma.
Three things that make me happy today.
What makes me happy today: SNOW! Yesterday was magically wonderful. Maybe it’s the contrast of the snow and two people in love. Something so cold and something so warm. I love winter weddings. Here’s a few.
Kiihdyn nollasta sataan alta aikayksikön. Suutun, lepyn sitäkin nopeammin. Saatan nauraa yhtenä hetkenä, itkeä toisena. Ajattelen joskus niin nopeasti, ettei suu ja sanat pysy perässä (onneksi olkoon niille, jotka yrittävät saada puheestani silloin selvää!). Yrittäjyys on ollut ehkä siksikin niin rankkaa välillä, koska tunteet menevät laidasta laitaan enkä tunnu pysyvän perässä. Kesällä on kivaa, talven…
It’s been a busy week filled with beautiful moments and awesome people. Here are a few frames from last Sunday (contest winners‘ family shoot), yesterday (Maria & Jouni’s wedding at Ravintola Keilaranta) and today (Eini & Ville’s engagement/together/baby bump shoot). As you can see, I have a lot of editing to do – so if…
Every single photographer should spend time on the other side of the lens. Not just to get awesome photos of yourself, but for the experience. During this almost 11 years we’ve been together and 8 years we’ve been married (just celebrated our 8 year anniversary last Monday, yay!) we’ve been photographed thrice. Twice professionally. It’s so…
How can you not love a couple who wants their engagement photos taken at Linnanmäki, which is the oldest amusement park in Finland. I can’t wait for their wedding this August, it’s going to be an awesome day :) Kihlakuvaus Helsinki © Johanna Hietanen Photography
This week has been so hectic. I was planning on blogging a full wedding this past week but the hours have run out. It’ll have to wait for tomorrow. Instead, here’s a few frames from yesterday. It was a warm day. Warm and September don’t usually match when talking about Finland ;) Cutest couple in…