Lapsikuvaus Nurmijärvi // Aada
Lapsikuvaus Nurmijärvi // Dokumentaarinen perhekuvaus
We had a pleasure of photographing Jouni’s niece’s naming party about a week ago. She’s such a sweetie :) It was a beautiful day with lots of children (including Jouni’s nephew, still unnamed little fella), one dog starved for affection and attention, DELICIOUS food and awesome moments with awesome people.
I’m always interested in photographing children, families etc. so if you need a devoted photographer, contact us either using the contact form or sending mail to info(a)
Kuvaamme mielellämme lapsia ja perheitä yms. joten jos tarvitset omistautunutta kuvaajaa, ota yhteyttä joko “Contact” -kohdassa tai lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen info(a)
Gorgeous family session. I like the warmth and love. :)
Oh my, these are gorgeous. Lovely family and intimate pictures.
Love the way you’ve captured the informal family moments – really tells a story of the relationships between them. Lots of love and warmth :)
Awwww….so adorable! I love to see more of this type of documentary lifestyle sessions. You can truly see how happy they are of their new family member! Great job!
Wow..these are really nice frames!
So many cute little emotions captured in these photos!
Love the cuteness of the details… Very very cute
Great documentary family photos!