Valokuvaaja Ylläs // 2010
We have a date. In a week.
Ylläs, I’ve missed you so!
These are from our 2010 trip to Ylläs. And yep, that’s me with the skis :)
We have a date. In a week.
These are from our 2010 trip to Ylläs. And yep, that’s me with the skis :)
Tällä viikolla elämme jänniä aikoja uusien perheenjäsenten muodossa. Kun on viettänyt lähes vuosikymmenen kissakaverin kanssa, koti on tuntunut kovin tyhjältä Naksun poismenon jälkeen. Meille oli jokseenkin selvää heti alusta saakka, että etsisimme uuden kissakaverin – jossain vaiheessa – meni siihen sitten viikko tai vuosi. Kävimme katsomassa HESYssä löytökissoja, mutta Sitä Oikeaa ei löytynyt. Yksi herra…
This is how it looked like when I flew to Germany all by myself for the first time in my life and met a couple I had never met before who were kind enough to let me crash on their couch for a few days and they showed me some awesome things. And then my camera went clicketyclick!…
Yesterday we met with Nani and photographed. And talked. A lot. It was sunny before but started raining a while after. Still, it was beautiful. We got wet, but it didn’t matter. Summer rain doesn’t matter. More to come later. :)
The best decisions are made with heart. It was 10 years ago when our knees were shaking more or less, standing side by side at Vantaa magistrate and saying one of the most beautiful and important words; I DO. We were young, in love. As big of a cliche it is, I knew when I…
Our little cat is getting older. Age doesn’t come alone and she’s been a bit less herself this weekend. Not so happy, a bit more tired. We were worried but today she bounced back. So we decided to take her out for a walk. She was one happy cat. :) /Johanna
WHAT WAS 2015? It was a year that made me think more and step outside my comfort zone. It was a year that made me question a lot of things. It left me completely exhausted at some times but extremely fulfilled at other times. It made me climb mountains, both real and figurative ones. It…