Nordica Photography workshop

Nordica Photography Workshop // Sweden

When we read that there would be a Nordica Photography workshop in Sweden, we knew we had to be there. They are our favorite photographers on this planet. We wanted to learn more about how they are running their successful business.

We learned so much.

After coming home we’ve adapted some of those things and applied them to our business. The thing with workshops is (we’ve only been to one, but hey, of course that qualifies us to generalize!) that you can’t just copy what you learned. You need to make the advice fit into your business. There’s no way you will become successful just by copying other people.

This workshop gave us inspiration, self-confidence and made us believe in the future. With hard work, everything is possible.

You can read about the Nordica Photography workshop here.

Here’s a few photos from the trip – we spent a couple extra days in Stockholm and went into tourist-mode. We arrived on Sunday, ate at Grill (which was fabulous, another thing we would highly recommend, especially the Grillbuffé on Sundays!), on Monday we were modeling for another Nordica workshop, on Tuesday we had our own workshop and on Wednesday we flew back to dear Finland.

Lokakuun alussa matkustimme Ruotsiin Nordica Photographyn järjestämään workshopiin, josta lähdimme hakemaan vinkkejä ja inspiraatiota. Uudet tuulet ovat puhaltaneet kotiin palaamisen jälkeen, kun olemme soveltaneet neuvoja omaan toimintaamme. Voimme lämpimästi suositella workshopia kaikille. Alla muutama kuva pieneltä matkaltamme, jonka aikana söimme herkullisesti Grill -ravintolassa, olimme malleja toisessa workshopissa, opiskelimme itse ja olimme turisteja.

/Johanna + Jouni

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