Vancouver // International Wedding Photographers
What happens when two Finns (who hope to be international wedding photographers) hop on a plane and go to Canada?
Lots of awesome things. And LOTS of photos.
This was our first big long trip and the third time on a plane. And let’s just say – the travel bug totally bit us. One week wasn’t long enough. Our main reason for this trip was Canada Photo Convention 2013 (2014 website here) but this also was our honeymoon. Yeah. You did read that correctly. We got married in 2005 and this was our honeymoon. :) We just didn’t have a chance to go before last April. And also, I turned 29 during this trip, so it also served as the best birthday gift ever.
We flew to Heathrow with Finnair and continued to Vancouver with British Airways. We found out that BA upgraded us to World Traveler Plus class so we traveled quite comfortably eating mini pretzels, watching movies and sleeping.
We arrived to cloudy Vancouver and couldn’t get enough of it. Everything was so pretty – the mountains, the high buildings, the nature. And c’mon – PINK portable toilets? My kind of city! We stayed at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre which was convenient since the convention was also held there.
The convention was full of magic. So much that I only took one photo during the days. Ooops! And we didn’t take any notes. Stupid. Note to myself: when going to a workshop/convention – ALWAYS TAKE A NOTEPAD AND A PEN (or a laptop if you live in the 21st century). The lineup consisted of awesome speakers like Nordica Photography, Fer Juaristi, Ryan Brenizer, Jeff Newsom, Sam Hurd, Jonas Peterson and many, many others. We felt completely inspired. So inspired that this was the last kick I needed to become a full-time photographer. I know it sounds like the biggest cliche but this trip totally changed me. It’s safe to say that it changed both of us. Sometimes you need to travel to the other side of the world to find yourself and your voice.
I was also very overwhelmed by all the people and information. I became quite shy, actually. There were many people I was looking forward on meeting and some of them I met. I kinda just took it all in quietly. Except for the after party at The Pint – even Jouni danced! The party was so awesome.
Besides the convention we didn’t have many plans. We’re more of a “go with the flow” kind of people. We mostly just wandered around the city and explored. I had dreamed of Tim Hortons for months and my birthday breakfast consisted of their panini, doughnut and frozen lemonade. And I was so happy. Small things make me happy. Food always makes me happy! Haha. During this trip we visited Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, Stanley Park and Metropolis at Metrotown. We also spent many, many hours in the airport since our trip to see the mountains fell through because apparently the one who rents the car needs to also pay the rent with a credit card. Well, these things happen. At least we had a lot of time for shopping, eating and taking photos of cute little fish at the airport.
My best memory from this trip is my birthday. Because of the jet lag we got up really early and decided to go for a walk in Stanley Park. It was a beautiful sunrise, beautiful morning followed by a beautiful day. And a room full of people sang Happy Birthday to me. It was awesome. :) (And Jonas Peterson made me cry, but I forgive you.)
And like I mentioned, we took many, many, MANY photos. Here’s around 150 of them, from one of the best weeks of our lives.
Awesome journey!!! Glad you gays had wonderful time there!!!
You guys are ridiculous awesome. And cute. Love the shot of jumping on the bed!
If you make it to the states before I make it to Finland please know you have a place to stay in Milwaukee. And if you only make it to the Chicago area (maybe as you’re passing through) I’d gladly drive down that way.
I lived in Calgary since 2008 but I visited Vancouver almost every year. Now, when I visit Vancouver, I hardly take any pictures because I’ve seen it many times. But it’s always interesting to see how other people see the same city differently, with a fresh new pair of eyes, with a touch of innocent in it. Very lovely photos. I am glad you enjoy Canada. Come back again next year!
Great photos, and epic birthday party! I enjoyed meeting you two. Love the Capilano photos! I should have stuck to my original plan of visiting that park. Happy belated honeymoon! :-)
Oh I wish we could go back next year! Due to this whole full-time photographer thing, I don’t think it’s possible but I’ll keep on dreaming ;) Maybe in 2015!
Andy, aww, thank you! You’re awesome as well! :) It’s so awesome to know nice people all around the world. A trip to the States is definitely on our list. Hopefully soon!
Such lovely photos! It’s too bad I didn’t get a chance to meet you guys during the convention. Too much awesomeness going around. It’s always great to see my city through someone else’s eyes/lens :)
Hei – löysin sut/teidät tuon Ladies behind the lens-ryhmän introduction postin kautta ja lähdin katsomaan töitäsi. Piti heti kommentoida tätä Vancouver-osiota, sillä asuin siellä viisi vuotta ja juuri kesän alussa palasin Suomeen :) Oli hieno nähdä todella upeita kuvia Vancouverista, niistä niin tutuista kaduista ja paikoista. Hieno kuulla myös, että nautitte! Siihen kaupunkiin on helppo rakastua! Joka tapauksessa, nimeni on Erika, hauska tutustua :)
Incredible place, great photos! Thanks for sharing!
You’ve got skillz! Makes me miss canada.. alot. Really really love your style dudes!
I love seeing your journey through photographs! Especially the two seagulls flying across the building – it’s so simple and quiet. This post is really inspiring.
I love these Johanna, through and through.
OMG! How many incredible places did you end up and did those sunsets just follow you everywhere!! Beautiful :)
I’m so jealous of how much of Vancouver you managed to see! It makes me feel like I was lazy while I was there!
There are some insanely great images here! Thanks for sharing!
Man, I love Vancouver. Awesome shots of an awesome city.
Ahh! Looks like such an amazing trip. And how fun that it overlapped with your birthday. I’m beyond jealous, I had hoped to go but my mother-in-law planned a family vacation for us the same days – seriously envious all over again seeing your wonderful photos. :)
great set. some lovely landscapes!
I love when wedding photographers document their travels. You are awesome!
Love these. The locations and details are all so beautiful!
BOOM! Glad you enjoyed this city of ours. It’s a great place =)