Christmas 2011 | Miehikkälä | Tapaninpäivän myrsky | Espoo

I went to bed long after midnight after finished reading the last book in The Hunger Games series. I feel sort of… empty. I love reading but I hate it when good books end. I just want more, more and more. I loved The Hunger Games. I loved the first movie too and cannot wait for the next ones. But at the same time, it made me sort of sad that the movie was so good. I can only imagine how good Twilight movies would have been if someone had the guts to follow the books as well as they did with Hunger Games.

Yeah. I’m 28 years old on Tuesday and here I am, rambling about Twilight. :) I’m young at heart.

From Twilight and books to Christmas 2011.

When we left Espoo, it was not very christmasy… No snow, hardly minus degrees. Weird for someone whose Christmases were full of snow when I was younger.

But when we woke on Christmas Eve morning, I looked outside and there was snow. It started melting slowly during the day but we took a wet walk in the nature with Nelli the dog.

When we came back from the cottage we faced a storm. We were out of electricity for hours. We were afraid because we were about to shoot Noora and Marius’ wedding the next day and we needed to charge batteries etc. We got powers back in the end, luckily. In the meantime we went for a walk to see damages made by the storm.

Here are glimpses from our Christmas at the cottage and some photos from Laajalahti, Espoo.

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  1. beautiful memories here! something about the light in the latter half, in the outdoor shots, combined with the homey indoor pics, makes me feel so wistful… thanks so much for sharing!!

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