During the last couple of years I’ve woken up to see how we as women, have to deal with unbelievable pressure. We are supposed to keep on going and smiling no matter what we’re facing. We demand a lot from ourselves and sometimes it’s just too much to handle. We are crushed under the pressure and have to give up. When that moment comes, it’s sometimes hard to believe that there’s nothing wrong with us. It’s OK to feel this way, and it’s OK to stop for a moment and let yourself heal. Being sensitive isn’t equal to being weak, even if this world tries to tell us otherwise.
Nature has played a big part in my own healing. When I’m walking in our nearby forests, everything seems to be a bit better. Nature empowers us and heals us. And even though sometimes it’s hard to be in the middle of all that quietness when your mind fills with all those difficult thoughts, it’s better to let them come. You need to deal with them so that you will have strength to move on.
Here’s Kate. Lovely Kate who has been in front of my camera so many times and it’s always so much fun. Before we wandered off to create photos in the light of the setting sun, we had a lovely picnic moment. We talked about so many things, laughed a lot and had the best moment together. After that it was time to let myself take photos I’ve been seeing in my head, without limitations. When photography is also your full time job, creating your own projects becomes even more important. They make you more creative and grows you as a photographer, bringing extra layers to your client work as well.
I’m searching for you, lovely women out there, who have been suffering from burnout when life has gotten too crazy. I want to invite you to take an adventure with me. Let nature empower you too. ❤ More info by email, johanna johannahietanen.com
// Johanna