Häät | Wedding | Sini & Ari-Pekka | Villa Haikko

Some weddings are carved deep in my heart forever. This is one of those weddings. My heart grows as it takes in every single moment, love, person, look, touch, smile, laugh, tear.

Whenever life gets hard, my heart reminds me why it’s worth to fight. Why it’s worth to dream. Life is short, life is fragile.

Live your life to the fullest. :)

Music credit: “Turning Page” by Sleeping At Last

(Provided by Youtube)


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  1. Wow, Johanna, so much to love here! The ceremony shots (reflective piano and the BW of them grinning), that adorable blond boy, and the sweet cruise in the car. Gorgeous!

  2. Brillant Johanna, I really enjoyed looking at these photos. I love what you do with shifting focus away from the norm and telling the story a different way.

    Favourite shot is the priceless look on the bride’s face as she comes up the aisle, closely following by the couple laughing when she gets to the altar. :)

  3. Beautiful wedding, I especially love the compositions of the images. The processing is gorgeous! I love the capture of the bride seeing her groom as she is walking down the aisle!

  4. Stunning wedding! The photos are beautiful you’ve really captured the emotion and the intimate moments throughout the day! Love the shot of the bride as she first sees the groom when she’s coming down the aisle!

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