Levi wedding photographer


Just as we believe in getting to know you before your wedding day comes, we believe in taking a few “test shots” of you because it makes sense. It makes sense for us to get to know you as a couple and you to get to know us as photographers. That way, when your wedding day comes, you are as comfortable as possible and we’ll already know what works and what doesn’t. Being photographed can be scary but we aim to make it as easy as possible. As a result, you’ll get photos where you look awesome. And what’s best in all of this? This test session is included in our two documentary wedding collections. So in a way, you’ll get two adventures for one investment. And c’mon, who doesn’t love a good adventure?

Sometimes those adventures take place in magical parts of the world.

Tea, hot chocolate, lots of talking & laughing, one Finnish cover band, lots of fog, beautiful snowy trees and one ever so gorgeous Levi. That is what this adventure was made of. Magic happens when you meet two kind souls who are willing to embrace the cold, sink deep in the snow and be awesome on the day before their wedding. And their wedding? Well that is one awesome story to be told at a later time. <3

// Johanna

Levi wedding photographer hääkuvaaja levi Levi wedding photographer hääkuvaaja levi Levi wedding photographer hääkuvaaja levi

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