Stockholm Sweden // Fotograf Stockholm // VSCO Film

Stockholm Sweden // Fotograf Stockholm // VSCO Film

Today I found myself missing Sweden. I will always have a soft spot for Sweden. After all, I was born there. Listening to Kent doesn’t actually help my longing. Going to IKEA didn’t actually help. Watching Swedish television channels don’t help. I’m a glutton for punishment. Sooo… I’d be glad to shoot a wedding or…

Midsummer 2011

Midsummer 2011

The mosquitoes. The sun that almost never sleeps. The bonfire. And most of all; the people and the whole atmosphere. Those are just a few of the things that make Midsummer so special in Finland. Juhannus, as we call it. You need to witness it yourself before you know what I’m talking about. For me, Midsummer…